Friday, April 27, 2012


So I've decided to create a blog just to document the cute things that happen with my kids. This is mostly for my sake so I don't forget everything (which I tend to do) and for my family (mainly my mom) who live across the country and unfortunately miss out on a lot of the cute things that happen around here.

Daniella is 6½, in grade 1 and in Sparks (the first level of Girl Guides Canada). She loves arts & crafts, science and reading. She loves to play on the computer and my iPad too. She's easily distracted and slow moving as well. I find this quite frustrating but as one of her teachers jokingly said to me, "At least she'll never get a stress-induced ulcer." It's true, I don't think stress will be one of her issues. She's too easy going.

Sophia is 2 and we've lovingly nicknamed her "the monster". She's loud, rough and in your face! Everything that Daniella is, Sophia is not! But she's adorable, funny and loves adventure! Unfortunately she doesn't always learn from her little falls and owies and makes the same mistakes over and over somehow expecting a different outcome. This has resulted in constant bruises!

I am expecting a baby at the end of August. I'm currently 22 weeks pregnant and starting to get the backaches and exhaustion. But I'm trying to love every minute of it as this will be my last pregnancy. I'm starting to feel a lot of light kicking which is so fun! This afternoon I have an ultrasound scheduled and will hopefully find out if it's a boy or girl. Of course I will love my baby if it's a girl, but I'm hoping to find out what it's like to have a little boy. But if it's a girl, we've got all the clothes and toys already!

I also have a step-daughter named Emily. She will be 15 in a couple weeks! Wow! She lives full-time with her mom and is with us every other weekend and on holidays. She's a wonderful big sister and a beautiful girl inside & out.

I plan to use this blog to show pictures, share cute little words and phrases that Sophia says, etc. This is a blog devoted completely to my kids. If this doesn't interest you, well don't read it then! :)